Wednesday, April 21, 2010

kscope apr 25 ideas?


theme: LEAST OF THESE. based on this scripture...
Matthew 25:34-45
'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' ... 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

basically, the segments will deal with serving others + showing hospitality towards others.

OPENING: i have an opening prayer/reading that deals with hospitality + service that could be adapted and read at the opening. maybe one of our youth could read it?

SEG 1. (short. 3-4 min.) WHAT IF...
(maybe some youth could do this?)
What if everyone in the world was selfless rather than selfish? what if people lived a life of love? there would be no war. no terrorism. no abortion. no poverty. no hunger. no malnutrition. no lack of medicine in 3rd world countries. no murders. no abandoned children. etc.

frankly, this segment could be two youth reading THIS blog post about selfishness. i could add images to the powerpoint to go along with it.
Also - i'd like to have live instrumental music playing in background. whoever is reading this list needs to read it with authority and boldness. ;)

(if there is time - maybe i could video tape some youth reading this THURS nite after Girl.Talk? then i could make a video out of it? Perhaps. if there is time..)

SEG. 2. Love God. Love People. Prove it. (5 min.)

~brief stories of Christian service... loving God and loving people? If anyone has something to share, it would fit in here.
~ tim: brief story of CEO of LL Bean serving in soup kitchen in Portland, Maine.

~tim: i remember years ago - one of our former youth did a lot to reach out to one of her classmates when they got pregnant. i could share that story in brief.

~ this is a pretty good quote about loving our enemies:

"In the Ravensbruck Nazi concentration camp - the camp where an estimated ninety-two thousand men, women, and children were murdered - a piece of wrapping paper was found near the body of a dead child. On the paper was written this prayer:

"O Lord, remember not only the men and women of good will, but also those of ill will. But do not only remember the suffering they have inflicted on us; remember the fruits we bought, thanks to this suffering: our comradeship, our loyalty, our humility, the courage, the generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of all this. And when they come to judgment, let all the fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness.""

From "Prayer" by Richard Foster
~Matthew 25:34-45 verse.

~option: Exiles in the City? how God calls us to be among the needy - not apart from them?

VIDEO: Word on the Street: Hospitality (2:12)

SEG. 3: TWO STORIES ABOUT how/why we serve others (a take on Good Samaritan)
(6 min.)

both stories deal with serving others - but one serves humbly and anonymously... one serves and takes too much credit and boasts about how great of a servant he is.
tim + jen will do this?

SONG? Rich Young Ruler by Derek Webb? or reference the passage from Mark 10:17-31?

VIDEO OPTION?: emerging
how it's hard to contain our joy when we faithfully serve and follow leading of God...

SEG. 4: Bryan/Robin - Christian Service (8 min.)
featuring stories from Costa Rica
including story of woman who ran mission out of her home?

Q: what needs might be all around you?
Q: what does need look like?

we could randomly give out pre-made note cards with one specific RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS written on it. we could hand these out and challenge the people to perform this RAK sometime during the week.

We could maybe have a map of Louisville and have people come up and commit to pray for various parts of town? maybe place a post-it note or push pin on that section of town - thus committing to pray for that section?

Maybe we could write anonymous letters of encouragement - and then give them to the houses around the church?

other ideas for something interactive?