Wednesday, February 24, 2010

kscope rundown feb 28 more specific ideas

kscope narrowed down rundown (not in any ‘specific’ order)

opening song
hugs/handshakes/coffee (musicians keep playing instrumental music during)
invite all to place cell phones/watches under chair or something
reprise of opening song/chorus?

segment 1: statistics about busy lifestyle/practical ways to slow down/simple living
(perhaps the following could be adapted... could be a funny element)
How to slow down
1. Drink a cup of tea, put your feet up and stare idly out of the window. Warning: Do not attempt this while driving.
2. Do one thing at a time. Remember multitasking is a moral weakness (except for women who have superior brain function.)
3. Do not be pushed into answering questions. A response is not the same as an answer. Ponder, take your time.
4. Learn our Slow Manifesto.
5. Yawn often. Medical studies have shown lots of things, and possibly that yawning may be good for you.
6. Spend more time in bed. You have a better chance of cultivating your dreams (not your aspirations.)
7. Read the slow stories.
8. Spend more time in the bathtub.
9. Practice doing nothing. (Yes this is the difficult one.)
10. Avoid too much seriousness. Laugh, because you're live on earth for a limited time only.

articles about the importance of slowing down.
Time Magazine: Americans are Busy
GEt Busy Livin or Get Busy Dyin
Lazy People in a hurry

Time and Busyness
How to Slow down NOW
Slow Down Enjoy Life
Four Laws of Simplicity
a segment on simplicity might be good.
21 ways to Simplify your life

could this be done quickly? perhaps this segment could take place with the Fast motion vs. Slow Motion video playing in the background.

song two
segment 2
pt. 1: Free from chaos and noise - tim (5 min)
rhetorical/reflective questions on screen (with background audio)
1 kings 19:11-12

some of the questions could be taken from the following list (from Nooma - Noise)
(3 min)

“Why is silence so hard to deal with?”

“183 million people are regularly exposed to noise levels labeled as excessive by the Environmental Protection Agency.”

Do you ever surround yourself with noise intentionally?
If so, why do you think we do this?

“Do you wish God’s voice would be louder in your life?”

Does all the noise in our lives make it hard to hear God?

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.
Jesus in Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

“If I’m not still, and if I don’t listen, how is Jesus going to give me rest?”

When was the last time you spent some time in silence?

Search your hearts and be silent.
Psalm 4:4 (NIV)

“Have you spent the same amount of time worrying and talking about your difficult, confusing situations as you have spent in silence, listening to what God might have to say?”

Do you sometimes avoid silence because you’re afraid of what God might actually have to say to you?

Bus Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Luke 5:16 (NIV)

“These were regular disciplines Jesus had. Silence. Solitude.”

Are you ever alone or do you always need somebody around you?

“Does my schedule, my time, my life look like that of a person who wants to hear God’s voice?”

What are some things in your daily life you could change to eliminate some of the noise?

“Is it possible that you’ve been searching for God in the winds … the earthquakes and fires … And he’s waiting to speak to you in the silence?”

pt. 2 Brief talk based on Matthew 11:25-30 (NIV) (4 min)
the Message translation is cool, too:
28-30"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

tie in this brief talk/discussion with the following link:
POLL: Christians are busy - hinders relationship with God


song 3
song 4

segment 3 (5 min)
Story of Joshua Bell
Bell is a world renowned violinist. once - as part of an experiment with the Washington Post - he played in a DC subway. hardly anyone stopped to listen. [Story and Video]

Fascinating story that can parallel us missing out on God and His greatness all around us.

interactive: write on Post It Notes (3 min)
where have you experienced God in random ways/unexpected ways?

tie this back in with joshua bell... slowing down to notice those ‘God’ moments... slowing down to ‘hear’ and ‘see’ Him. not to miss out on the greatness of God like so many missed out on the greatness of Joshua Bell.

segment 5
mary and martha
scriptures: John 12:1-11 + Luke 10:38-42
mary and martha host Jesus @ their home for a meal... Martha is the busy-body... running around, distracted, trying to assure that everything is just right, while Mary sits attentively @ Jesus' feet, listening to his every word - even anointing His feet with oil.

Jesus basically states that it is important to take time to pause and just 'be' with Him...

song: chelsea - slow me down

end with closing activity: hands on -
invite people to make prayer cords - with RED YELLOW and GREEN beads?

--> live music from BK/RK could play in background.

Red bead could represent - STOP and be with Jesus.
Yellow - SLOW DOWN and be free from the chaos
Green - GO and GROW in God’s peace, love and grace.


O God, you are slow to anger and swift to have mercy;
Forgive us when we treat time as a commodity or an enemy,
when we abuse your gift of time.
In our fastness and our slowness,
help us to keep pace with you.
Free us to live in your time, a new time,
in which there is a time for everything under heaven,
and slow is not too slow, and fast is not too fast.
Transform us into people who see time as a gift and a friend,
who live as if we have time,
because we know that your time will never cease.
Through Jesus we pray, Amen.