Wednesday, February 24, 2010

kscope rundown feb 28

specifically, the rundown would look like this:
(more specific notes on each segment can be found on post below this)

opening song 1
hugs/handshakes (live musicians remain on stage playing instrumental)
reprise of opening song/chorus?

segment 1: life comes at you fast. practical steps to slow down. - ________ (5-8 min)

(need some sort of transition here)

segment 2: pt. 1 free from chaos and noise - tim (5 min)
rhetorical / reflective questions on power point (with background audio track) (3 min)
pt. 2 busyness hinders relationship w/ God (Matt. 11:25-30) - _______ (4-5 min) (BK perhaps?)


song 3
song 4

segment 3: story of Joshua Bell (parallels how we are too busy and miss out on greatness of God)

interactive: write on Post Its: "where have you experienced God in unexpected places"
point out that these instances happen when we are able to 'slow down'

segment 4: mary and martha (john 12:1-11; Luke 10:38-42) story told, explained. insight given. (jen is willing to work on this)

song: chelsea s. - slow me down

hands on activity? make prayer chords. (live music play during this activity)
cords have three beads:
prayer chords serve as reminder to 'stop and be with jesus. slow down and free yourself from chaos/distractions of life. go and grow in God's grace peace and love'
(is that cheesy?)




we still need people to help with or take
1. segment 3: Joshua Bell story (basically just read the article and tell it in your own words - paralleling it to us humans missing out/to busy for Greatness of God.

2. segment 1: (could be a group effort - could be humorous, too. could be adapted). basically look at the web links that pertain to 'SIMPLIFYING LIFE, etc. Showing how to SLOW DOWN and not be so BUSY. has some humorous stuff, perhaps.

what is good? what needs changed? who feels like working on any of these that are needed to be filled? who has a better idea?
